Introductive Panel for the VR experience


Enter the heart of the Beethoven Frieze.

Prepare to go on an immersive journey through art, poetry and mythology. Wearing a headset, you will become the protagonist of a unique narrative guided by the deep voice of the Warrior, who fights against the darkness to find refuge in art and triumph in the arms of his lover.

What to expect:

  1. The Battle against the Shadows
    1. A derelict temple on a misty night.
    2. Monstrous creatures, sinister cackles and an epic fight with Typhon, the mythological incarnation of evil and despair.
    3. A battle between light and darkness choreographed on Mozart and Beethoven’s dramatic melodies.
  1. Finding Refuge in Art
    1. Dawn defeats the darkness.
    2. The Muses take form, bringing you music, poetry and dance.
    3. A moment of peace and redemption, immersed in timeless beauty.
  1. The Loving Embrace
    1. An intimate and sacred encounter between the Warrior and his lover.
    2. Love as a winning force, healing every wound and bringing eternal triumph.


  1. Put the headset on and prepare to be immersed in Klimt’s world.
  2. Follow the Warrior through dream-like and symbolic landscapes.
  3. Live an experience that unites emotion, art and spirituality.

Now it’s your turn: go through the portal and discover the power of art and love.